Wednesday 4 June 2014


Blogging has always been something I have always wanted to do, to share my thoughts and things I love with complete strangers has always seemed fun and exciting for me, but somehow I have always held myself back, telling my myself that I won't be good at it, I won't be consistent and most times telling myself that blogging isn't for me.

After much deliberation and deciding I realised that I have plenty to offer and nothing to lose, I have so much that interests me that i would love to share with you and I do hope you find them equally as interesting and fun as I do. Plenty of beauty posts as well as fashion and lifestyle to come so please do come.

Once again, Welcome.


  1. You are great at it darling.
    Just read through your posts and i love it already.
    keep up the good work and check mine out ( even though i blog scarcely.

  2. sorry (
