Thursday 5 February 2015


First off apologies are in order, I am so so sorry for neglecting this blog, Secondly happy new year/Happy new month everyone, how is the new year coming along? still staying true to all your new year resolutions? well, I am not, Lol!

It is no news that the terrible harmattan that hit us this year has long gone leaving behind nothing but heat, I mean its rained three times in Calabar and nothing just hot air.

During the Harmattan season, my skin (which is usually fine and quite oily) experienced some serious dryness. I also noticed dry patches round my mouth area and flaky skin, I switched up my skin care regimen even switched from liquid to cream foundation but still nothing, my daily moisturizer was doing nothing for me.

I had ordered the Lookfantastic Dec Beauty Box early on in the month and forgot all about it until i received a call from the post office, it was in this box that this gem came in.

This product is 100% pure rose hips oil and it says to apply to face and neck and best to follow application with a moisturizer, am pretty certain this is what did it for me within a week i saw great results, but the downside about this product is that its anti aging, so if you are in your 20s, you might want to not go overboard with using this. When i first used this i expected a very pleasant smell what I got shocked me, it smelt like oranges!!! You know that smell you get when you peel an orange or even zest an orange, YES!!! that smell i hate it (I don't like oranges). But apart from that it isn't greasy, you wont wake up feeling like you have a heavy facial on your face, this stuff is very light.

Frankly I do not know where one can get this in Nigeria but the good news is lookfantastic .com offers free delivery to Nigeria. I recently just received the LookFantastic Jan Beauty Box will be blogging on that soon.

Thanks for stopping by.

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